[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]
Dear TYPES, Can anyone comment on the availability of printed versions of HOPL (History of PL conference) proceedings? HOPL I and II proceedings are available on Amazon, but I fail to find a way to obtain printed HOPL III and IV. Is there no way to get these printed like the earlier ones? -- Best wishes, Artem Pelenitsyn https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://a.pelenitsyn.top/__;!!IBzWLUs!UkI2f9B276NGG-FpO0CoytVPAo-Ftr9uX6d9C6Ta7YGJ0l1pjJVXQIgjMcbi8x3cy0T5o-AwEa45dnhxhdSYUCHM0mY7A7RsEw$