Everytime I access my page module and click on a page headline in the 
pagetree, the page of the right frame is completly empty. (no html tags 
at all)

I don't know why it happens but at my server it happens with all 
browsers so it seems to be a T3 server problem..

I don't know whether it helps, but I see a lot of the following errors 
in apache log (there are no T3 debug outputs by the way)..:
[Fri Mar 23 21:10:11 2007] [crit] (70023)This function has not been 
implemented on this platform: DBD: failed to initialise
[Fri Mar 23 21:09:24 2007] [notice] child pid 12180 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu Mar 22 20:04:11 2007] [crit] (70023)This function has not been 
implemented on this platform: DBD: driver for [DBDriver unset] not available


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