Hello Asbjoern,

With FE Form Edit you don't include it in your plugin, you make a new plugin 
for the FE forms. Your CD Collection plugin don't need any changes. Take 
a look at the News FE Edit (news_feedit) and the documentation for FE Form 
Edit and News FE Edit.

Or in short.
1. Make a new extension with the kickstarter.
2. Give it a name, ex. FE CD collection and a extension key
3. Extend existing tables in your CD collection plugin with fe_cruiser id 
and fe_crgroup_id from fe_users (you can look at news_feedit with the 
to get the right values)
4. Make a frontend plugin
5. Make som dummy typoscript code (Static TS code)
6. Update and save the pluging.

7. Make needed changes to the code of your class (pi1), look at news_feedit 
for example.
8. Make changes in setup.txt - also look at news_feedit for example, but 
you have to change most of the values. If you compare news_feedit and 
you will see which part you need to change.

You could also code it manually.

Erik Svendsen

> Hey Erik
> FE Form Edti could be what I am looking for. But I need a little help
> getting started. The plugin I am working on is the "CD Collection
> tutorial" It has a main function like this:
> function main($content,$conf) {
> switch((string)$conf['CMD']) {
> case 'singleView':
> list($t) = explode(':',$this->cObj->currentRecord);
> $this->internal['currentTable']=$t;
> $this->internal['currentRow']=$this->cObj->data;
> return
> $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($this->singleView($content,$conf));
> break;
> default:
> if (strstr($this->cObj->currentRecord,'tt_content')) {
> $conf['pidList'] = $this->cObj->data['pages'];
> $conf['recursive'] = $this->cObj->data['recursive'];
> }
> return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($this->listView($content,$conf));
> break;
> }
> }
> I don't understand how I should include the FE Form. Why does this not
> work? The manual says that it get's tabel information from the $conf
> file :/ I just get a blank page when viewed. (I have include the class
> in the top of my page)
> function main($content,$conf) {
> $mthfeedit = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_mthfeedit');
> $content = $mthfeedit->init($this,$conf);
> return $content;
> }
> I will consider sg_zfelib, but I think that it is over my skills for
> the moment.
> When I add more than 1 image to a record, no images is displayed in
> the FE plugin. Do I need to change something to the list view and
> singleView?
> Best regards.
> Asbjørn Morell.
>> Look at the following two extensions.
>> - FE Form Edit, API
>> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/mth_feedit/0.4.2/ -
>> Library for Frontens plugins,
>> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/sg_zfelib/1.0.0/
>> The first one gives an easy way to make an FE-plugin with create,
>> edit, delete for nearly every extensions. If you are using TYPO3 4.1
>> you will need to patch class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php,
>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5105. The second one are a bit more
>> advanced, but also more flexible.
>> To have the opportunity to add more than one image to each cd, you
>> can change maxitems for the image field in tca.php
>> WBR,
>> Erik Svendsen
>> www.linnearad.no
Erik Svendsen

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