

Did you ever find a way to do this?  I'm trying to do the same thing (ie.
[TYPO3]  Simple prev next menu).  I've been searching and found others
wanting to do the same thing, but nobody ever solved it as far as I can



Nate Lounds


>          I have a quick question that should be simple to do that I cannot
seem to solve.

>          This is related to having a prev/next link at the bottom of a
page. I have a

>          feeling that one of you probably knows this off the top of your


>          I have a site that has a bunch of articles that I want to string
together using

>          prev/next functioality. I read the tsref guide about the special
HMENU option

>          browse, which allows me to put in my template an auto-generated
prev/next link.

>          This did put the link in, and auto generated the names, using the
titles of the

>          pages, which was exactly what I was hoping for.




>          However, when I click next, it will only go to the next item at
the same level

>          as my current document, ones with the same pid, or go to the next

>          since I set the boolean for moving betwees sections. This is
correct behavior

>          for browse, according to the above doc. However, it makes it
impossible to make

>          the automated next link go to the next article if the next one in
line happens

>          to be a child document.


>          If you view the above documement link, it has an example picture
of a tree of

>          pages in the browse section. What I'm trying to do, and what I'm
surprised the

>          documentation does not cover, is the ability go have next behave
in this manner

>          based on their own example: 1:, 2:, 5:, 6:, 3:, 17:, 21: and so


>          Is there another functionality besides the HMENU/browse feature
that will allow

>          for this kind of automated next/prev behavior? There is an
extention that has

>          next prev behavior that seems to do the exact same thing as
browse, and my

>          searches have otherwise come up blank.


>          I'd appreciate any advice, should anyone have any.

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