Tania Morales schrieb:
> Hi, I'm having problems setting up imagemagick or graphicsmagick in a 
> shared
> hosting server (FreeBSD),
> *safe_mode* is on, so it does not find the installation in the
> /usr/local/bin directory.
> I set up disable_exec_function =0 and i also tried to install them in the
> web site root directory with the same user, group and permissions as the
> rest of directories and i chagne the im_path to that one but , I can not
> change *safe_mode or *the *safe_mode_exec_dir .So* install tool keep
> displaying  "It seems that there is no adequate ImageMagick installation
> available at the checked locations (/nonexec, /usr/local/php/bin/)"
> If you have any idea, please let me know.Thanks
Do you have rw access to the safe_mode_exec_dir?
if you could symlink to /usr/local/bin/convert etc.
If not you could try this:http://www.4many.net/imagemagick_setup.html

Regs. Peter.

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