Bing Du wrote:

> Thanks much for the followup on the issue.  Yes, some of our web editors
> have FF installed on their Mac and RTE works fine in FF.  But
> unfortunately it's hard for all of them to install FF due to political
> reasons.  What kind of configurations might prevent RTE from working in
> Safari?  Are they Mac OS config, Safari config or something else?  I don't
> even have any clues where to start looking.  It's good know it worked for
> you.  On this mailing list, some other people also confirmed they were not
> able to get RTE work in Safari too.  

It's a Safari limitation. AFAIK, not a single full WYSIWYG editor works 
into Safari (was true 6 months ago at least...)

So no, sadly, it's not a configuration issue.

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