I had to remove it from "local" AND from "global", in order to unveil the
release 1.5.2 which is distributed as "system" extension.


On 7/9/07, dave typo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been editing an extension that deals with a RTE in the frontend. I
> believe that my editing of it has created an error in the backend.
> Specifically, the RTE doesn't load, and I get a runtime error in internet
> explorer.
> here's the error that I get:
> each is not defined
> registerPlugin2("each", [])rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 64)
> setFullHTML()rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 64)
> edHidePopup(1)rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 176)
> this.registerPlugin2
> (plugin,args);};HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin2=function(plugin,args){if(typeof(plugin)=="string"){var
> plugin=eval(plugin);};if(typeof(plugin)=="undefined"){HTMLArea._appendToLog("ERROR
> [HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Can't register undefined plugin.");return
> false;};var obj=new plugin(this,args);if(obj){var clone={};var
> info=plugin._pluginInfo;for(var i in info){clone[i]=info[i];}
> however, upon uninstalling the extension, the error still persists.
> It also may be a result of a problem with the upgrading from 4.04 to
> version
> 4.11
> Does anyone else have any experience with this, or advice that I could use
> to solve this?
> thanks
> -dave
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