Hi Tomas

It IS a silly argument to compare DOWNLOADS as you and I know that CoolURI
just came out a few months ago, while RealURL is causing Problems since
Years - Have a look in the Mailinglist and compare the Posts, where People
talk HAPPY about RealURL and the number of Posts where People talk BAD about
RealURL or about having Problems with RealURL.

It is not only silly NO - it is really stupid, that people from this list
try to hold arguments on a problem causing extension - don't know why!

Let companies know, that it costs them lots of HARD MONEY Dollars or EURO
because some Developers don't look into the future and don't integrate state
of the Art Technics in their websites. No wonder that more and more
Companies are looking for cheaper alternatives instead of paying Expensive
western Agencies to setup Sites with OLD technology. It is like Dimitry
already said. RealURL is NOT a modern Coding and it is also not a solution
with ALL AVAILABLE FEATURES out of the Box.

So please don't argue with DOWNLOADS.
RealURL had its first release far before 2004 where it has been reorganised
by Kasper

Have a look here

2007-01-12  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Release of RealURL 1.1.4
2007-01-04  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed bug 4007: realurl path in workspace is kept when published
 * Fixed bug 4395: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
 * Fixed bug 4485: RealURLs with no spaceCharacter
 * Fixed bug 4528: Deprecated function in documentation
 * Fixed bug 4559: Fails to crate/update table tx_realurl_uniqalias
when db is set to utf8 with max key restriction
 * Renamed isInFEEditing() to IsBEUserLoggedIn()
 * Added tx_realurl_pathcache to list of table for clearing when all
cache is cleared
2006-10-13  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * enableDomainLookup and rootPageID is removed from manual.sxw
because they do not exist
 * Added TS log message in case if root page cannot be determined from
2006-10-06  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Release of RealURL 1.1.3
2006-10-06  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed compatibility issue for wrong realurl configuration (see bug #4352)
 * Updated class/function index
2006-10-05  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Release of RealURL 1.1.2
2006-10-05  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added patch by Andreas Otto (field order and sorting in mod1 for
Redirect view)
 * Fixed bug 1530: defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev has to be cleaned in decodeSpURL
 * Fixed bug 2439: [RealURL] Prepend domain name before path in realurl modules
 * Fixed bug 3441: Real url's with .html without using defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev
 * Fixed bug 3988: /start/Feedback gets not found because of
uppercase; searchTitle_searchPid() return does not use "encoded"
version in lookup
2006-10-03  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed bug #3517: Impossible to have same path on 2 domains
2006-09-07  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Release of RealURL 1.1.1
2006-08-28  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed bug #3078: realurl doesn't take
config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages into account
2006-08-25  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * bk_realurl02 was too large
2006-08-17  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Made a workaround for error in parse_url() when parsing multiple arrays
2006-02-16  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Updated compatibility version
2006-01-29  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed repeated message in EM to drop/add bk_realurl02 index
2006-01-27  Dmitry Dulepov  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Fixed bug #2413: RealURL: wrong paths are generated if mount points are used
 * Fixed bug #2416: RealURL: wrong page is displayed
 * Fixed bug #1814: RealURL = MySQL database optimisation
 * Code cleanup (uninitialized vars, debuging messages, etc).
 * Updated extension API data
 * Changed XCLASS name of modfunc1 to match file name
2005-10-14  Kasper Skårhøj  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * en/decode caches will expire after 24 hours
 * Adding "userFunc" for id-alias translation (alternative to built in
 * Fixed a few bugs
 * Implemented "301 Moved Permanently" headers
 * Implemented a table where you can define permanent redirect URLs,
for instance for keep backwards compatibility with specific old urls.
 * Implemented an error log that will track all URLs which resulted in
a 404 - useful for checking most typical "lost links" and creating a
redirect. Can be disabled with ['init']['disableErrorLog']
 * By default realurl will return 404 if the whole url is not used in
the decoding.
 * Can throw a 404 if the alias mapping to id didn't succed (configuration)
 * Supports localization for alias-id mapping, eg. when titles of news
elements are used in realurl and the language is different than
default it will take the localized title and use that (if configured
for it). (lookUpTable feature)
 * Supports auto-update of aliases if titles of eg. news items
changed. Must be configured. (lookUpTable feature)
 * Improved the lookUp_cleanAlias function to respect charset - should
fix clean up on non danish/german titles, just like it has been done
for page titles some time ago.
 * Implemented that expired URLs will redirect to new ones, sending
"301 Moved Permanently" headers
 * Improved many management functions in backend module.
2005-10-11  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Introduced feature "autoUpdatePathCache" which will allow changes
to eg. page title to be made instant in the URL plus keeping backwards
compatibility for a period of time with the previous URL.
 * You can add additional pathCache entries in the management module.
2005-04-19  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added "redirects_regex" feature to match URLs with a regex for
initial redirection.
2005-02-22  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added Web>Info / Speaking Url Management module: Finally it does
something. Can manage the pagepath cache, show decode and encode
cached content and manage unique-alias maps.
2004-12-20  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added support for frontend login triggered bypass keywords (for
proxy cache-control situations) (look for "feLogin" in manual)
 * Added registration of page id for url encoding  - for cache management.
2004-09-01  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * encodeTitle(): Support of multibyte encodings like UTF-8 in the
encoding of page titles. Also extended letters => ASCII equivalents
are working now (using t3lib_cs)
 * Implemented support for usage over multiple domains. Manual has
been updated. Basically you have to configure the id-resolver (like
"tx_realurl_advanced") to know of its root page id so it has a
starting point. This is cannot be automatic and therefore you have to
configure it to correspond with the root page UID in the page tree.
This is documented with examples in the manual.
 * !!! Changed return values type for some functions, in particular
observe that the user processing of path-to-id is now returning and
 * &MP vars are now encoded with page id. Works with both pagepath
cache and without.
 * Generally, the manual URL decoding (without pagepath cache) has
been updated and tested to work well.
 * Fixed bug with ".html" prefix when page path is blank
(This development was sponsored by Forbrugernes Hus in Denmark. Thanks.)
2004-06-10  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added option to disable pathcache (and more for that)
 * For 404 handling, realurl will now use the default TYPO#
pageNotFound handling.
 * "Admin" jump functionality had a new feature which can link people
into the backend for editing the page rather than showing frontend
icons only.
 * Created modes for "soft" segment-not-found handling.
 * Implemented true URL decode/encode caching
 * All document, but some features depends on TYPO3 3.7.0-dev+
2004-04-22  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added new option "appendMissingSlash" which appends a trailing
slash to the path if it was not set by the user.
2004-03-23  Kasper Sk�hj,,,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Added the possibility of specifying more than just the
"nav_title,title" fields from the rootline in the generation/resolve
of the speaking URL. Documentation updated accordingly.

So IT IS OLD and more than 3 - I would think about at least 4 years
OLD measured from the start

42847 Downloads at all might look fine but look also in the second
number - 8422
Downloads alone from the newest version!
Since Kasper started to remodel the RealUrl over 3 Years ago we had 24 NEW
Verions. Do some simple mathematics then you know that most of the downloads
are caused by Downloads because of a newer VERSION and that most people
simply HAD TO DOWNLOAD the newer version not to get more features but
instead getting some more bugs solved!

Not counted in this argue are all those changes and bugfixes made BEFORE
Kasper took it over! Check the Versions -

FACT is - as good as Real URL WAS it was never complete and will never be as
complete as CoolURI already is. To catch up with cooluri RealURL wld have to
be remodeld from scratch and programmed with modern code - STUPID and WASTE

It is like I said with the ford T-Model. Never before so many cars have been
sold as with the T-Model and have a look around - are you still driving a
T-Model??? NO! Are you still running Windows 3.1 NO or WIN 95 NO - why not -
"it was a nice and friendly Bill Gates who developed this "nice" software" -
Sorry about this sarcasm but only because Kasper had some major incolvement
in the RealURL Development doesn't mean that the code has to last forever as
the ONE and ONLY!

But OK - I won't force anybody to switch to CoolUri if he doesn't want to
and myself I also still have to deal with some PHP4 RealURL sites of
customers but we already have spoken to them and to most of there Hosters.
Most of them gonna get PHP5 installed as they know, that they would loose a
very valuable customer to another Hoster if they won't provide PHP5. As soon
as those TYPO3s are running on PHP5 they will be switched to CoolURI of
course and we get rid of some much waste of time in solving Problems only
caused by RealURL and DirectMail our most Problem-Makers beside the Internet
Explorer which is the biggest ProblemMaker at all setting up websites.

Take 1 development hour for a website then please at least 5 more to get it
working in IE5/6/7 and at least 1-2 more to get your RealURL and DirectMail
working. At our company this has already changed - OK we still have those IE
plushours but no more for RealUrl and Directmail since we switched completly
to CoolUri and T3M - both working out of the box!

If you and I guess still want to invest time in money in OLD technology then
do it. WE RECOMMEND CUSTOMERS to PROOF BEFORE they give a contract to a
company to check there technology they are gonna use.

Which searchengine friendly URL rewrite does this company use:  RealURL,
Alias,  jb_noindexphp, or CoolUri
Which Mailsytem does the company use: Directmail, T3M (tcdirectmail)
Which PHP Version promotes/provides the company/Hoster: PHP4 / PHP5

If the answers aren't
COOLURI, T3M (tcdirectmail), PHP5
then please let your customers know that they pay most likely a lot of money
in OLD technology and in Buggy Code which will cause them lots of

People didn't had a chance to switch to T3M or CoolUri BEFORE they have been
existing, but since they are available it would be not faire to your
customers to tell them stay with Old Code of RealURL, stay with PHP4, stay
with Directmail because then WE will earn more money solving YOUR (the
companies) Problems.

Ask yourself why NOBODY since all this years has posted a complete WORKING
solution either as .t3d or as Extension based on RealUrl or Directmail. (OK,
now some developers woke up and made 123 directmail - nice - but compare it
with the features of T3M and the state of the Art technology its using ;-)
Either NOBODY wanted to SHARE his SECRET 15 Minutes Setup of those
Extensions with the community or - what I believe - these 15 Minute setup
stories are fairytales about something NOT existing!!!

Proof it! Post it here HOW to setup RealURL in 15 Minutes with ALL those
features CoolUri has already build in!!!! Sorry but you will need much
longer then 15 Minutes!!! It is the same with Directmail and T3M!

If you compare the support of these Extensions I believe that the support
from dimitry is as good as the one from Jan, but people should know that
Dimitry only supports the realURL etension and NOT ALL Supplements, Addons
you will need to get nearly the same thing running like with CoolUri which
is Jan supporting. He supports you in all the features you can get with

Yeah CoolUri is state of the Art and PLEASE Companies, if you read this
list, don't let you fool around - make your own picture and try CoolUri you
will never regret it! If you are having Problems as your provider hasn't got
PHP5 think about switching to another one - often this is causing "wonders"
even with your old one! There are PLENTY of valuable Hosters providing PHP5
and plenty - more and more - Agencies providing valuable CoolURI support -
Switch to them! Don't hesitate, Don't waste anymore money and time in
Extensions which causes you lots of questions and waiting for answers here
in mailinglists and forums.

Hey Agencies, You probably don't like this part and how I promote CoolUri
and T3M but we are living in a free country and everyone is able to tell
about his opinions and thoughts and especially experiences. I worked since
2004 with RealURL and with Directmail but since 2007 we switched to CoolUri
and T3M and we haven't regretted it! We can provide our customers with
valuable stable modern coded extenssions. Instead of investing time in
searching for solutions inside the mailinglists you do better get trained in
CoolUri and T3m - It will takee you about 1 hour at all  :-)

Be Cool
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