Andreas Becker wrote:
> Hi Dimitry I am providing professional help for people who want to rewrite
> their URLs. If they have problems they can use Real URL OR Cooluri
> Many don't know that there is probably a solution for their Problems. As I
> see in your post I see no help either. You were the one telling people it
> will take only 15 Minutes to install realURL with all its features. No 
> proof
> your testimony and tell this poor guy who is using RealURL how to solve his
> problem.

Firsts, I never wrote that I could install realurl with all its features 
in 15 minutes. This is completely your invention. I said different thing 
that you did not bother to read carefully.

Secondly, I replied not to message about realurl but to your another 
spam about cooluri. Recently you started to reply to specific question 
with totally unrelated answer and many people already asked you to stop 
spamming. This is *not* professional help, this is spamming. If you 
could answer specific question, this would be good. If you cannot - do 
not spam!

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 freelancer / TYPO3 core team member
Skype: callto:liels_bugs
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