Well, that's my telling off for the day  :)

Apologies for mis-posting. I don't usually do that!

Yes, 'workspace' = 'view'.

I searched the bug list before posting here. I though that someone on 
this forum might be able to help me with this or that someone else has 
overcome this problem. I shall therefore post the problem as a bug.


Dmitry Dulepov wrote:

>Found your message in the thread named "Typolink class for image" and 
>does not look like there is a connection between these two topics... So 
>next time do not use "Reply" to start new topic, please.
>Sara Weale wrote:
>>Anchors work fine in live view but when I attempt to add a link to a 
>>created anchor in draft view, the anchor doesn't show next to the page 
>>in the 'add link' pop-up. Only the content element is shown.
>I guess you mean "workspace" instead of "view" because typo3 does not 
>have "live view" or "draft view".
>If you are in the draft workspace, and you are trying to select element 
>created in that workspace, and it is not visible, than this is 
>definitely a bug.
>>Is this because typo3 only sees anchors that are published? Any ideas 
>>how to get around this or is there a bug report?
>If it exists, it should be at http://bugs.typo3.org/

Sara Weale
Rheolwr y We / Web Manager
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
National Library of Wales
SY23 3BU

Ffôn/Phone: 01970 632845

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