Hi Mads,

The 'problem' is XHTML strict:

4.2. Element and attribute names must be in lower case
XHTML documents must use lower case for all HTML element and attribute names. 
This difference is necessary because XML is case-sensitive e.g. <li> and <LI> 
are different tags. [1]

....and Typo3 which isn't exactly XHTML strict yet.
css_styled_content uses capitals for all tags in the stylesheet - unfortunately 
- and lowercase characters for in the (X)HTML output. Not really consequent.

You can either change that stylesheet and include your own modified version, or 
change your doctype. Getting it all to work perfectly in XHTML strict requires 
bit more handwork, unfortunately.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/

Mads M. Hansen wrote:
> Hi I have a text/image element with the image set to align to the
> right margin, however when viewed in Firexon on either Linux or
> Windows the image is positioned above the text, while in IE7 the image
> is correctly placed.. Does anyone know how to correct this? The URL
> for the page in question is http://www.eccentric.dk/index.php?id=137
> Thanks, in advance.
> -- Mads Hansen
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