Hi list. I have a problem with the Rich Text Editor..as everyone did.
In my case, i updated my typo3 source from 4.0.4 to 4.1.2, and the
rtehtmlarea didn't work anymore, it only shows "Editor is being loaded..In
any browser", so in some blogs i found that the problem should be fixed by
using the typo3 source extension instead of the typo3conf one.
I though it would be a good idea just to create a symlink from the
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea to my typo3conf/ext/...
Now the editor is working fine, but if I try to create a link in the text,
when the pop up window shows up, i get this message:

"Error in init.php: Path to TYPO3 main dir could not be resolved correctly.

*This happens if the last 6 characters of this path,
($temp_path), is NOT "typo3/" for some reason.
You may have a strange server configuration. Or maybe you didn't set
constant TYPO3_MOD_PATH in your module?"

I know it is because of the symlink, but I can not make it work if I don't
put it there :(
Do you have any suggestion???...Thanks in advance.
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