Timo Proescholdt a écrit :
> Hello!


thanks for the answers so far!

> My question is how to best built up the site structure so as to
> minimize redundancy. Obviously page A needs a template and so
> do B,C,D. (all the same).
> So what I was thinking was a structure like this
>           -> B
>          /
> root -> A -> C
>          \
>           -> D
> with root having the common template for B,C,D and
> A an extra import.
> But my problem is that that way A inherits the template
> from root. On the other hand A has to be the father of
> B,C,D since it has to list its children..

I checked out templavoila and I'm considering to use it.
There is, however, another way which I was thinking about.

If I did a structure like this, with A (the list of cities)


      -> B
root -> C
      -> D

then B,C,D would inherit the city layout from root and A get its
own. I'm, however, unsure if such kind of layout is unwise to
choose, due to a "double root" approach which might cause problems
later on?

Is there are way in Typoscript to get the children of root in A
to generate a menue (actually a drop down) there? I guess it must
be easy, I just checked out the typo3 enterprise cms book menu section
but could not find something about that..

Maybe someone could give me a hint?

many thanks!
Timo Proescholdt
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