Hi Everyone,


We just installed the latest stable version of Typo3 and TemplaVoila.
During the setup of our templates in TemplaVoila, we get a 500 Internal
Server error when creating a new template.  After reviewing the error logs,
this is what we get:


FATAL:  emalloc():  Unable to allocate 12 bytes [Thu Sep 13 14:58:08 2007]
[error] [client] Premature end of script headers:  



I have searched everywhere for an answer and couldn't find anything.  One
web site listed a permissions problem.  We tried updating all files under
fileadmin to 777, but this did nothing.  We also changed all permission to
755 under typo3conf.  We updated the PHP memory to 32MB so this should be
OK.  Has anyone encountered this error or know of the problem?



Sean Gonsman


Above Media, LLC



678-935-7109 (fax)


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