Hi all,

I have the following

$content = ' lkdjsh flsd+++AAA+++hflk jshdflkh gskldjfh gkljsdhf k ghsdkflh 
gsjkldhf glskd+++DRASVD+++uhfg lushdliufgh sdiufh gs+++HGFGS+++ldiuhf 
gklsdjhflkgj sdhfh gsdjkfhg skljdfh gjk';

when I use preg_match ('/+++[A-Z]+++/', $content);

It doesent work, why?

In a certain text I want to find all appearance of  a certain uppercase 
Letters from A-Z      +++AAA+++
Where AAA is there could be only uppercse letters from A to Z without any 
space - or _

Can anyone help me with the regex?=


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