Sad to say, I had to give up with this - so just for someone who hasn't 
too much knowledge of php, this wasn't a simple calendar for me after 
all; though very promising.

Katja Lampela kirjoitti:
> Okay I try to live with the fact that these two things I can't reach 
> simultaneously:
> 1. right time of the event record in FE (though all the time data in BE 
> looks alright)
> 2. the proper current date of the calendar.
> The main thing is ofcourse that the events show right time. Well, the 
> calendar then thinks it is tomorrow already. And this results in a very 
> much unwanted situation that today's events don't show at all (not nice!)
> So what I try to do now is at least the following: I want to show in the 
> list view also "yesterday's" events which are in fact today's events but 
> the calendar thinks it is now tomorrow so they are yesterday's events in 
> calendar's twisted reason.
> But because of the lack of documentation I don't find where I could (if 
> I could) define what is displayed in list view; like "from yesterday to 
> the future".
> I found the options for the code for example: 
> list/c:1/l:3/o:1/r:1-1-2004,31-12-2004/d:5
> (category,location,organizer,month,year,range,daysahead)
> And d:-1 doesn't help of course.
> In the main class file there is at least this one place where the 
> date/time is handled:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>         $GDate = t3lib_div::GPvar('date');
>         if( isset( $GDate ) )   {
>             list($month,$year) = explode("-",$GDate);
>         }     else      {
>             $month = 
> ($this->selectParams['month'])?$this->selectParams['month']:date("m");
>             $year  = 
> ($this->selectParams['year'])?$this->selectParams['year']:date("Y");
>         }
>         $date_string = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
>         $day_start = date("w",$date_string);  //The number of the 1st 
> day of the month
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> but unfortunately I'm just starting my php learning and I don't 
> understand what i should do..
> So - any kind soul out there, please write me a hint, even if it was 
> just a vague idea..
> - katja
> Katja Lampela kirjoitti:
>> Hello all,
>> Another question aroused about the simple calendar. I get the event 
>> record's time shown right with this combination:
>> - I put time zone (either the ext de_timezone record or the constant 
>> field plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.TZ) GMT -24
>> - time correction (plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.GMTcorrection) is 
>> activated
>> This combination gives me also the unwanted situation: the calendar 
>> month view shows a wrong date for current date, one day ahead (in mon 
>> it shows it's already tuesday). And the monday events don't show 
>> because "it was yesterday" - in real it would be today.
>> If I don't put the time zone and time correction as described, the 
>> event date is shown one day too early and also one hour too early.
>> So, any ideas what I could do?
>> - Katja
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