Hello Miguel Angel Calleja Lázaro,

> Yes, thats allright, it create a searchbox in a determined page, but
> my searchbox must be in all pages. The ideal would be to indicate
> plugin "Searchbox" in typoscript, for that reason I need a Searchbox
> plugin, to be in all pages and indicate it at what pid is Indexed
> Search Engine when submit is clicked.
> Searchbox for indexed search engine (/macina_searchbox) is perfect,
> but
> i dont find it.
> /

You can make it in TS in your root template, like this

-- code ---
# TS Constant 
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.searchUID = 13  // Pageid for the page with the indexed 
search plugin
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.showAdvanced = 0  //Turn on/off (0) the advanced 
link on every page.

# TS Setup
lib.searchBox = COA_INT
lib.searchBox {
        stdWrap.prefixComment = 2 | lib.searchBox

        10 = TEXT
        10.typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tx_indexedsearch.searchUID}
        10.typolink.returnLast = url
        10.wrap = <div class="searchbox"><form action="|" method="post" 

        20 = COA
        20 {
                wrap =  | 
                10 = TEXT
                10.data = GPvar : tx_indexedsearch |sword
                10.wrap = <input name="tx_indexedsearch[sword]" value="|" 
id="sword" type="text" 

                20 = COA
                20 {
                        wrap = |
                        10 = TEXT
                        10.value = <input type="hidden" 
name="tx_indexedsearch[sections]" value="0" 
                        20 = TEXT
                        20.value = <input 
name="tx_indexedsearch[submit_button]" value="Search" 
type="hidden" />
                        30 = TEXT
                        30.value = <input class="button" name="submit" 
type="submit" value="Søk" 

        40 = COA
        40 {
                wrap = |
                10 = TEXT
                10.value = Advanced search
                10.typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tx_indexedsearch.searchUID}
                10.typolink.additionalParams = &tx_indexedsearch[ext]=1
                10.wrap = |
                if.isTrue = {$plugin.tx_indexedsearch.showAdvanced}

        wrap = | </form></div>

-- code end ----

then you only have to relate it to the right marker.


Erik Svendsen

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