Thanks again for the hints, Dimitry - I'm not entirely certain what is 
up with the ports on my server, but that could very well be the cause of 
the problems I'm having... I'd found a "work-around" for this by just 
visiting the website, manually downloading the EXT files that I want, 
and installing them from my local machine... It's not as pretty as the 
automatic back end could be, but at least it works.... for now!

Dimitry -

Hello, and thanks for the quick reply! I hit my phpinfo file to verify that
yes, curl IS enabled as a php extension:
CURL support: enabled
CURL Information: libcurl/7.16.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e zlib/1.2.3

I also rechecked my typo3 configuration settings an verified that the ONLY
parameter I set was [SYS][curlUse]=1. All of the others are blank, so I'm
not using a ProxyServer/Tunnel setup.

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi!
> Edd Twilbeck wrote:
>> However, on my setup, allow_url_fopen is ON, and curl IS enabled in 
>> the Install tool. I'd seen some info about people solving it with 
>> changing there php.ini settings (the memory_limit = 64M) and I've 
>> done that, but it still doesn't work right.
> cURL is enabled in Install tool but is it intalled as PHP extension?
>> I'm running typo3 4.1.3(stable), Apache 1.3.37, MySQL 4.1.21 and PHP 
>> 4.4.7 - all via a shared hosting service that gives me php.ini control.
> It may have port 80 disabled for outgoing connections. I.e. people can 
> connect to the server but server cannot connect to port 80 in the 
> outside world. Common security practice.

Edd Twilbeck
Web Developer
CDs-2-GO, Inc.
*Tampa *813 258 3771
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