joel zimmerli schrieb:
> My website handled by Typo3 (4.1.2) is hosted on a Suse 10.2 server with 
> Plesk 8.2. In order to test my config, I tried to make a complet backup / 
> restore process (at the OS level) for all my datas (files, website cinfig and 
> database).
> Plesk is providing such tools (plesbackup and pleskrestore) it save and 
> restore everything.
> Backup and restore were done and everything seems to be ok. Direcories, datas 
> and using phpmyadmin, I can see database is ok.
> ... unfortunately, the website is not working:
> 1. in BE, the list of the installed extensions is not up to date
> 2. all the pictures inserted in webpages are displayed in their big size 
> (however, I defined a smaller width)
> 3. I can see in file error_log entries saying that some PHP files cannot be 
> found (especially for real URL) but all these files exist
> I realy don't understand why I get such situation. Is that access rights 
> related probleem? Something already known?
> Thank you in advance for your help.

Does your backup/restore have enough rights to read and write all the 
the list of installed extensions is stored in typo3conf/localconf.php 
the (local) extensions are stored in subdirectories of typo3conf/ext/

is your handling of symlinks correct?

just some thaughts


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