Hey Dmitry

> It is very nteresting to know how TSRef looks from beginner's view. Can
you make
> some examples of what exactly is hard to understand?
> I think one thing, which is hard for us (developers) to catch, is what
others find
> unclear. Examples would really help us improve.
Mmmm ... there is so much :) Um ... well, here is a situation from last

Trying to work out how typolinks work, having not used them until now.

The example Christopher posted for me didn't work when I pasted it into my
ts template, so I thought that I must need to add some information that he
assumed I would know ... the snippet had the HTML content object. So, off to
TSRef I go, to have a look at HTML ... when I get there I find only one
property "value" ... with the datatype stdWrap, and the description "raw
HTML code".

The examples under are: 

10 = HTML
10.value = This is a text in uppercase
10.value.case = upper

10 = HTML
10.value.field = bodytext
10.value.br = 1

Well, nothing in either of those examples looks remotely what I would
imagine "raw HTML code" to look like ... so I still haven't figured out what
Kasper means by that. Nevertheless, off to stdWrap I go, to see what I can
include here ...

p.10: ""... / stdWrap":
When a datatype is set to "type / stdWrap" it means that the value is parsed
through the stdWrap function with the properties
of the value as parameters."

!! :S

My brain reads:

"The value is "parsed" (oh bugger, coding jargon ... um um ... Cate's
translation= "processed") through the stdWrap function (the what??? Even if
I find it, I won't understand it ...what will that do??) with the properties
of the value as parameters (parameters ... parameters ...more jargon ...
Cate's translation= limiters)."

Ok ... sort of get that ... now to work out what values I can use...

Go to page 22 ... and the first thing is an IMAGE of the tslib/content.php/,
function stdWrap() (oh, how funny ... literally as I write this I have just
realised that this is what the previous passage is referring to! Lol!).

Anyhow, it is an image ... so I can't even cut and paste into another
document to make my own comments, put spacing in between the rows to make it
easier to work out or anything ... the font is small, so I struggle, zooming
in to read that, then zooming out to read the information around it ...

So, still reading it all with the thought of the HTML object at the back of
my mind, I have a huge list of properties, data types, descriptions, and the
occasional default ... but where is the "value" I am looking for?? I mean, I
sort of work out that is it the stuff in "properties", but that is only from
looking at all the examples ... it is NOT intuitive.

So, going back to the examples above ...

10 = HTML
10.value = This is a text in uppercase
10.value.case = upper

How do I know that "upper" can be used with case? (Yes, I know it is not a
hugely difficult thing, but as an example...) TSRef gives me a description

"Converts case
Uses "renderCharset" for the operation."

Ok ... but what are the parameters I can set here? Upper? Lower? Block?

10 = HTML
10.value.field = bodytext
10.value.br = 1

Ok ...

 br: Boolean: PHP function nl2br(); Converts linebreaks to <br />-tags

Boolean I get (although I still consciously have to think, 1=on) ... but "
PHP function nl2br();"?? What the?? Likewise for the two properties
following ...

brTag string All ASCII-codes of "10" (CR) is substituted with value
encapsLines ->encapsLines Lets you split the content by chr(10) and proces
each line independently.
Used to format content made with the RTE.

I have NO idea what this means... Anyhow, back to my problem ... the
typolinks ...so I cover it over and keep reading ...

"keywords- Boolean- splits the content by characters "," ";" and chr(10)
(return), trims each value and returns a comma-separated list of the
"innerWrap wrap /stdWrap"
"innerWrap2 wrap /stdWrap"

:S so how would you use keywords ... 10.value.keywords = 1 ... then what?
And what is chr(10)???

And these recursive wraps, just make my brain wrap around a telegraph pole
... the wrap is a property of stdWrap, and has as its own properties stdWrap
.... :S. I have sort of figured out how to use them but I have to REALLY
think about it.

Going further...

preCObject - cObject- cObject prepended the content
postCObject- cObject- cObject appended the content

? why? What is it used for? Why would I want to add a cObject in this way to
the conten ... and what content? Where is it sourced from? I have no

So, I find typolink: ->typolink - Wraps the content with a link-tag. Great
... looks simple enough ... except I have to go to typolink.

>From HTML, to stdWrap, to typolink, and still no closer to my answer ... I
understand why it is done like this, it makes it very powerful ... but still
... for a newbie I am starting to feel like when you ring the bank to
complain ... handed from one department to another :)

So, off to typolink on p.33. Trying to remember why I am here again ... oh
yeah, to create skip links ... ok ...

extTarget: target /stdWrap - target used for external links ( _top)
target: target /stdWrap - target used for internal links

now, you might think this is intuitive, but when so much else is not, it
really did not occur to me that "target" was being used in the html sense.
Even with _top stated, I still needed to read TyposcriptByExample to really
get this...

no_cache: boolean /stdWrap - Adds a "&no_cache=1"-parameter to the link

Ok .. I understand it ... but I have no idea when I would use it or not. I
know that some things use it, like DR wiki, but no idea what the rationale

useCacheHash: boolean - If set, the additionalParams list is exploded and
calculated into a hashstring appended to the url, like "&cHash=ae83fd7s87".
When the  

 (about now my eyes have glazed over ...)

caching mechanism sees this value, it calculates the same value on the
server based on incoming values in HTTP_GET_VARS, excluding
id,type,no_cache,ftu,cHash,MP values. If the incoming cHash value
matches the calculated value, the page may be cached based on this.
The [SYS][encryptionKey] is included in the hash in order to make it
unique for the server and non-predictable.

Hmm .. hope that one is not on the test ....

additionalParams string /stdWrap This is parameters that are added to the
end of the url. This must be code ready to insert after the last parameter.

This is very useful when linking to pages from a searchresult. The
searchwords are stored in the register-key SWORD_PARAMS and can be
insert directly like this:

.additionalParams.data = register:SWORD_PARAMS

NOTE: This is only active for internal links!

As I cut that paragraph up here, it starts to make a whole lot more sense,
but I have never bothered to read it before ... it was just a paragraph of

addQueryString: boolean - Add the QUERY_STRING to the start of the link.
Notice that this does not check for any duplicate parameters! This is not a
problem (only the last
parameter of the same name will be applied), but enable
"config.uniqueLinkVars" if you still don't like it.

Another one I hope is not on the test ...

Wrap: wrap - Wraps the links. Ok ... get that one, only because I was given
a snippet with some navigation ts I did way back ... so I know that I can
wrap it with html.

If you don't know, you wouldn't know... wrap with what???

ATagBeforeWrap: boolean - If set, the link is first wrapped with ".wrap" and
then the <A>-tag.

This I get, but have no idea why it is useful.

The problem with these snippets of coding type information thrown in is
that, literally, my eyes glaze over .... I begin to scan, because my brain
just doesn't process that information, so it becomes like a blocked sewer
(sorry, that was a disgusting example, but the one that came to mind :) )
... it just blocks, and nothing further actually gets processed. I have to
consciously keep reading over and over, and sometimes physically have to
hide the coding jargon, so my brain can read only information it actually

> > That is why I made my own blog at typo3newbie.com... Will take a look :)
May be >you should put this address to your signature? Having extra resource
visible never >hurts.

:) it isn't really meant for anyone else, only me ... although it is indexed
well by google. There are no high class bits of information there, just
notes to help me remember.

So anyway ... maybe that helps you "read" my mind a little ...

Oh ... and my typolinks still aren't working!


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