
I have just installed a new Typo3 site based on the package from Web
Enabled Church. This is based on Typo3 4.1.5 and uses RealURL v1.2.1

The FE displays a whole servie of errors like:

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 796

Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 823

When error reporting is enabled the errors seem to point to an issue
with RealURL:

ERROR   Unknown column 'SQL_NO_CACHE' in 'field list'

lastBuiltQuery  SELECT /*! SQL_NO_CACHE */ content
FROM tx_realurl_urlencodecache
url_hash='d2cb19e76cf82cad389dbc5574a8e3cc' AND tstamp>1199386733

debug_backtrace require // tslib_fe->intincscript // tslib_cobj->user
// tslib_cobj->calluserfunction // call_user_method //
tx_srfeuserregister_pi1->main // tx_srfeuserregister_pi1->init //
tx_srfeuserregister_marker->init //
tx_srfeuserregister_marker->addurlmarkers //
tx_srfeuserregister_url->get // tslib_cobj->gettypolink_url //
tslib_cobj->gettypolink // tslib_cobj->typolink //
t3lib_tstemplate->linkdata // t3lib_div::calluserfunction //
call_user_func_array // tx_realurl->encodespurl //
tx_realurl->encodespurl_encodecache // t3lib_db->exec_selectquery //

I am using MySQL 5.0.20a

The FE can be seen at www.development.saltforsermons.org.uk

I posted this issue to the WEC Forum and was advised to post here to
see if anyone had experienced this or knew where the error may be.

Thanks for any help,

Sandy Matheson
TYPO3-english mailing list

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