Dear Bernd,

Work with me here . . .

There is indeed no point in translating English into English.

There is a point in appointing a team leader and team members (i.e. an 
English translation team) so that these people can be contacted if 
anybody in the community finds a translation bug.

This team will not only be responsible for translating the core, but 
also for translating 'extensions' like tt_news, commerce and many other 
extensions that are installed on the translation server.

Extension developers may choose any language as default. So it may 
happen that a certain extension is only released in Chinese. An English 
translation team is very useful in such a case (provided that it has a 
member that also understands Chinese of course, but you get the point ;-)

Kind regards,

Michiel Roos

bernd wilke wrote:
> Nice page. with a little bug: 
> Who needs a translation from english into english?
> I know: there is a difference between british english and american 
> english (and there might be some more), but nearly no one needs such a 
> translation and so no one has joined this translation-'team'. and so 
> there is no head translator.

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