On web space, I am willing to provide some. Would we need a separate domain
name for this?

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Andreas Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Virgil
> I will help where I can
> I contacted already Dennis Krannich and Reinhard Fuehricht and can contact
> also others which we will need.
> Someone perhaps could make a List what we would need beside:
> a good RTE > tinyrte - outraxx
> a possibility to show code > sk_codebox - Steffen Kamper
> a possibility to print it a book / even in parts > pipeline - Dennis
> Krannich
> a possibility to show additional content which won't be shown in the book
> (only the link will be shown) > rgmoodalbox and other rg.. - Georg Ringer
> a possibility to show different languages and Levels > sr_language_menu -
> Stannislas Rolland
> ...
> What else would be useful and would perhaps work - please let me know, so
> I
> will try to contact the developers and ask them if they could hel setting
> up
> their stuff as soon as possible
> Ah - and we would need some TYPO3 Space ;-) perhaps you and Daniel can
> have
> a look here. Afaik i.e. the pipeline extension works best as a standalone
> TYPO3 installation but I hope Dennis could give us a clearer understanding
> how it is working and how we could use it.
> Let's start working and thinking on TYPO3 to get things done
> Andi
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