on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 11:21:51 +0200, Marieke Vandamme wrote:

> Hello,
> I want my fe users to view a loginform when they are not logged in into
> my intranet.
> I added the folowing to the TS Setup of my main template:
> page = PAGE
> page.typeNum = 0
> [usergroup=*]
> page.10 < temp.mainTemplate
> page.headerData.10 < temp.headTemplate [else]
> page.10 < styles.content.loginform
> [usergroup]
> But when the user isn't logged in I just see a blank page. The loginform
> isn't showing.
> What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help ! **** DISCLAIMER ****
> <A HREF="http://www.tvh.be/newen/pages/emaildisclaimer.html";>
> http://www.tvh.be/newen/pages/emaildisclaimer.html </A>
> "This message is delivered to all addressees subject to the conditions
> set forth in the attached disclaimer, which is an integral part of this
> message."

If you want to include a login-form in this way I can imagine that you 
must configure that loginform in typoscript. 

Easier would be to include a normal content-element inserted in page- or 
list-view which will be included on every page beneath the origin.

that's the solution I use on different sites.

I use one column for this sliding. 
On every page I can get the content (of this column) of the parent-page 
or define a new one, which will be visible for this and every page 

in typoscript I include this column like this:
page {
        50 < styles.content.getRight
        50.slide = -1
        50.wrap = <div style="float:right;">|</div>
which will include content from column 'right' and slide it down to every 
page beneath.

In this way you can include any content element with every possible 
configuration. e.g. pages with user-records, visibility according to 
login-state, ...

If you need more columns: http://www.pi-phi.de/t3v4/45.html (in german)

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