Hi list,

I'm trying to write a patch for this bug :
http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=7983, which is about clearing cache
of pages which include content from the current edited/updated page.

And I don't know how the cache of translated pages is handled, in
particular when including content from another page. What does I
think, is that the 'translation' mechanism (sys_language_mode, etc.)
is repeated once the included page in default language is found from
'content_from_pid' field, and then page cached in appropriate

But, is cache cleared for all translations of a specific page at once,
or is it 'language' related (clearing the cache for current language
only, based on pages_language_overlay current record) .
But, I didn't figure out how in cache* tables system this could be done?

In the case of this bug, and according to what I can see about this :

if t3lib_tcemain::clear_cache function is called on a tt_content
record, the t3lib_tcemain::getPID function returns the  PID (of course
in default language) of record, and I've just to search 'target' PID
in 'pages' table, no matter of language, since the cache system seems
to not be care of it?

Am I wrong?
Any hint about it?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Frédéric Hébert
TYPO3-english mailing list

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