
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 1:29 PM, The Plankmeister
> Hi...
>  I am in the enviable situation of not being able to install Typo3
>  extensions where the T3X file is more than approx 500kb. :(
>  I get the known EM that PHP has exceeded it's memory allocation. This
>  appears to be because - after having inspected the code - when the EM
>  tries to gunzip the T3X content, it pushes the memory usage of PHP over
>  it's allowed limit of 16MB.
>  I'm on a shared host, using a small amount of their webspace, so I have
>  no rights to change the setting in php.ini, and the host won't increase it.
>  It appears that this 16MB limit is for all current PHP threads running
>  combined, so I thought I'd wait until much later at night when -
>  theoretically - less people would be using the server, and therefore
>  there'd be more memory available. But it turned out that was just a theory.
>  So... I thought about just copying the required files from my local
>  installation up to the server... But then I'm sure there must be some
>  files that are either edited or uploaded that aren't in the
>  typo3conf/ext folder...
>  The question is... Is there a default place to find these things? Or is
>  it different for every extension? Or is it possible to somehow (fairly
>  simply) examine the code of an extension to see which files are placed
>  where, and which files are modified?

In most cases, you should be able to upload the extension to
typo3conf/ext/{extension_key}, and add the extension key to the list
in typo3conf.php. Some extensions have configuration options, but as
far as I know, you should be able to access these in the EM without
problems since you're not fetching and unzipping the extension at that
point. The trick, obviously, is going to be getting your hands on the
unzipped extension files (you can use another installation of TYPO3

Incidentally, to address the root of the problem, I've been installing
and running TYPO3 on shared hosts for more than five years and I don't
*ever* remember having the memory problem myself (in other words:
there are better hosts out there, you may need to find one of them...)

Christopher Torgalson
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