Elijah Alcantara wrote: on 28.04.2008 13:19:

> I have a lib.domain ts that outputs the current domain name, I'd like
> to apply this to the baseurl of the site like this:
> config.baseURL < lib.domain
> But I guess that is not the proper way... I get a "TEXT" value in it instead.
> I've then tried adding the <base href="domainname" /> into the
> page.headerData , it worked... but party, It seems that some css are
> now lost since the base tag is now below the styles css when viewed
> from the html source.
> Is there a better way of doing this? and am I replicating the baseURL
> = 1 security issue?

I guess this is not possible with current TYPO3 without XCLASSing 
class.tslib_pagegen.php. This class will add the <base href> header from
the config.baseUrl TypoScript setting, which is a static setting and you 
can only change that using pure TypoScript syntax (conditions), no 
content objects allowed. Since the <base href> header needs to come 
right at the start of your <head>, there is no other "dynamic" way to 
add something there by yourself (no hook, no cObject processing...).

And XCLASSing that method renderContentWithHeader is pretty "ugly", 
because it is a rather huge method.. :(

In my special case where I needed that, I "patched" that class on my 
specific installation in that I moved the "// Headerdata" rendering 
right above the shortcutIcon rendering, so I could use that to generate 
my <base href>:

page.headerData.1 < plugin.tx_cronbasehrefgenerator_pi

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