
I have installed the latest versions of both tt_news and 
wec_knowledgebase (on seperate pages) in a Typo3 4.1.6 installation.

Each page has it's own subpage (sysfolder) with records and the plugins 
have their Starting Points set to their respective sysfolder.

However: on both the news page and the knowledge base (KB) page (FE), I 
see all the records from both sysfolders. So the news plugin shows 
records from both the news and the KB sysfolder, as does the KB plugin.

Also when I assign categories to the news items and set the plugin to 
show only the records from specific categories, then no records are 
displayed at all.

Btw, the categories are in the KB sysfolder. But the news records in the 
tt_news sysfolder have these categories available as well. It looks like 
the Starting Point setting is ignored and both plugins look for news 
records all over the pagetree. Allthough this doesn't explain why no 
records are shown at all if I select a specific category to show.

If I uninstall KB, but leave it's sysfolder intact. The tt_news plugin 
still shows all the records from both sysfolders.

Any help would be appreciated.


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