Todd Ellison wrote:
> I don't know if I am posting in the correct place, but it looks like the 
>  kickstarter board is dead...
> I created an extension in the kickstarter about a year ago, and extended 
> tt_content with a few fields. Sometime in the interim, those fields 
> stopped showing up in the backend for editing. The fields still exist in 
> the database, and look like they are still defined in the TCA. Can you 
> guys give me a clue as to where the ability to edit particular fields is 
> located in the code for the extension?

It is in 'types' section of TCA for tt_content. See about "types" in "TYPO3 
Core API".

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
Skype: callto:liels_bugs
"Nothing is impossible. There are only limits to our knowledge"
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