Brian Bendtsen wrote:

> Stefan Galinski skrev:
>> Brian Bendtsen wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Im trying to use the LFEditor to edit the tt_news language files but I
>>> get this error on every save:
>>> Some language files have unsufficient permissions (i.e. write
>>> permission)!
>>> The file has "apache" as group and the group has write permission.
>>> Another thing is that I can edit the file using quixplorer.
>>> What causes the error?
>>> /Brian
>> Hi,
>> You can apply a small workaround to fix your problem...
>> 1) open the file mod1/class.tx_lfeditor_mod1_file.php
>> 2) comment line 243 thru 246
>> 3) save file and have fun
>> In general i can't reproduce your problem. Maybe i will do the same check
>> in the next version by opening the file with fopen. That should work like
>> expected... ;-)
>> Can you please post the exact permissions of the problematic file.
>> Appears the problem for all language files? Any special php options (e.g.
>> safe mode, open_basedir)?
>> --
>> Stefan
> Hi
> Using the workaround I get this error:
> Warning:
> [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in
> /var/www/vhosts/
> on line 2661
> The error appears for all language files.
> The exact permissions for the file is:
> -rw-rw-r-- bb apache locallang.xml
> /Brian

Hi Brian,

Seems that you have a problem with the backup files. The error should
disappear if you deactivate the backup feature in the global extension
configuration or if you fix the permissions of the backup directory and
backup files.

To prevent the problem in the future you should set
the "$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['fileCreateMask']" and "$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE'
['folderCreateMask']" variable in your localconf. It's used to change the
permissions after a file is created. If you have already set the variable
you should delete the whole backup directory and try editing again.

Example from my localconf.php:

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['fileCreateMask'] = '0664';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['folderCreateMask'] = '0775';

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