Hi all

I think I have figured out a better way of asking this question...

I want static URIs, such as CoolURI/RealURL would generate ... 

Including for such pages as a specific page that where the content is
dynamically generated, but not the "theme" of the page, for example, all
hotels in London, UK., or all hotels that would fit the description of
"Beach Hotels".

I don't care if the page is virtual, completely dynamically generated
including the URI, but I do want, for example, the URI "domain.com/beaches",
or "domain.com/uk/London/hotelname" to be that simple, to have the
descriptive phrases in the URI that are simple to recall, and to *appear*

Is there an existing extension that would do this? Or do I always end up
with something like this URI I have on another site that uses DR_wiki ...

(it would actually be really cool if there was an extension that was a cross
between phpMyAdmin, and a form to define the *select* statement for the
information that should appear on a particular page - from various tables,
various fields - just by a "tick the box" type selection. An extension like
that would just about sort out ALL my needs...)

Cate Deans Smith

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