On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Antonio Reher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again:
> this doesn't work either, so I've chosen another road that will suit my
> needs better.
> I have set a condition in TS saying:
> [usergroup = 1]
>    TS for rendering pages
> [else]
>    page.config.additionalHeaders = Location:
> www.site.com/login.html&redirect_url=whatever
> [end]
> this works great (even for links from other parts that aren't menus)....
> ... until I get to the part about setting the language. There are two
> ways of doing this:
> [usergroup=1]
>    TS for rendering pages
> [else]
>    [globalVar = GP:L=0]
>       redirect to login in language 0
>    [else]
>       redirect to login in language 1
>    [end]
> [end]
> but I see there can't be nested conditions, so another way of doing it
> would be:
> [usergroup is not 1] && [globalVar = GP:L=0]
>       redirect to login in language 0
> [end]
> [usergroup is not 1] && [globalVar = GP:L=1]
>       redirect to login in language 1
> [end]
> [usergroup=1]
>    TS for rendering pages
> [end]
> but I see there's no negate option for conditions...
> Am I really stuck with something I just can't do?!?

Check the TSref section on conditions--if nothing else is suitable,
it's now possible to base a condition on a cusom PHP function.

Christopher Torgalson
TYPO3-english mailing list

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