Hi all,

I'm trying to build a little wizard and have difficulities, let's  
begin by what it should do :

- add a little icon next to the page title field that opens my wizard  
in a pop-up (this is ok)
- display a double sided selector box in which i can choose any number  
of be_users from the right column (this doesn't work)
- display a little text field to leave a comment (ok)
- send a mail to the selected be_users pointing to the front-end page

As you can understand, the aim of this wizard is to enable a backend  
user to some other backend users that a page as been changed or  
created in a non automatic maner (to avoid to many mails).

I then created an little extension for that and here is what i did  
(only a code extract from the class) :

        function getFormHTML($row)      {
                global $LANG;
                $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEforms');               
                $conf = array(
                        'itemFormElName' => 'tx_flbpreview[be_users]', // not 
quite sure  
about what to put here
                        'itemFormElValue' => '',
                        'fieldChangeFunc' => array(''),
                        'fieldConf' => array(
                                'config' => array(
                                        'forein_table' => 'be_users',
                                        'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY 
                                        'type' => 'select',
                                        'size' => 6,
                                        'minitems' => 1,
                                        'maxitems' => 999

                $content .=

                return $content;

The problem is that the form is created correctly but not populated by  
any data (on the right hand side), Anyone can point me in the right  

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