on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 23:30:34 +0200, Arpad Muranyi wrote:

>> config.baseURL = http://www.mydomain.com/dev/
>> http:// and ending slash are important.

forget baseURL. you don't need it in this case.
> strange. i have already applied it this way but when i try modifying
> header image in TS setup, this way:
> page.CSS_inlineStyle (
>       div #header { background-image:
> url('/fileadmin/template/main/img/header_eng.png'); } )
> it does not work at all. the original image disappears, but replaced
> with nothing. tried also without ' without success.

if you use this your path beginns at your domain root.

if you use something like this in your CSS (no leading '/'):

background-image: url('fileadmin/template/main/img/header_eng.png');

the browser tries this path relative to the path where the CSS is 
included. if you include it in your TYPO3-HTML/PHP-File it will be the 
root of your TYPO-installation (and that might be a subdir of your domain)

but if you include the CSS from a subdir (I use fileadmin/css/) the path 
in the CSS-Statement is relative to the path of teh CSS-file. As my 
images are in fileadmin/img/ I can use something like:

background-image: url('../img/header_eng.png');

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