On  8.09.08, Jan Bednarik wrote:
> This is working:
> <part key="article-(.*)" regexp="1">
>        <parameter>tx_drwiki_pi1[keyword]</parameter>
>      <lookindb>
>          <to>SELECT '$1'</to>
>          <t3conv>1</t3conv>
>        </lookindb>
> </part>
> notice the apostrophs around $1.

Hey Jan,

    pretty nice, now it's working for all articles which do exist. But
whenever I create a link to a new page which doesn't exist yet (
[[test]] ) for example I still get a page not found. Any ideas on this?

    Apart from that minor problem I thank you so much for your fast
support. Though I can't say I got the xml completely I like the

So long
``Come along now, no more of that,´´ joshed Allen, pulling me by the
arm. ``I know that nothing in the galaxy is as beautiful as a well used
trashcan. But we have work to do.´´
                                                  -Allen Ginsberg, 1960
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