
> You are right. Some months ago I happened to find this list. But at 
> second thought I realised that my customer is very unlikely to get the 
> special 08... and 09... numbers in his web forms (08... = free 
> commercial numbers, 09... = paid commercial numbers). So I could make a 

Yes, I would not need special numbers nor do I want to use the formatted 
info to actually dial something (it would need pause character and so 
on), but only to format standard phone/fax and mobile phone number. 
Perhaps adding a phone_format column to static_countries with something like

+33 # ## ## ## ## (France)
+41 ## ### ## ##  (Switzerland)

and so on could be sufficient.

If we wish to go a step further, we would have to allow the number to be 
locally formatted:

0# ## ## ## ## (France)
0## ### ## ##  (Switzerland)

with another column as I was said that Spain always has a '9' at the 
beginning and never needs an additional '0'.

Last but not least, it would be very, very handy to map this to a 
special text field with this formatting (one could first choose the 
country or dynamic update the form according to another field) in BE for 
data editing.

Xavier Perseguers
TYPO3-english mailing list

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