
Tania Morales wrote:
> I have a problem when i try to create friendly urls for our users profile
> page, sometimes the real name is empty so then we need to use the nick name:
> mydomain.com/user-profile/name/john-smith
> mydomain.com/user-profile/name/john-s
> To acomplish that i have found that is possible to add a condition to the
> "alias_field" option, and it works fine :
>  'IF(LENGTH(TRIM(realname))>0,realname,nickname)'
> But as "field_alias" in the data base is a varchar(30), is cutting the
> condition when it is saved in the data base so this creates duplicated
> entries for the same user url every time that the url is used:
> 'IF(LENGTH(TRIM(realname))>0,re'
> As quick fix  i have changed the length manually to 255, so i don't get
> duplicated entries anymore, but now there is a problem with the indexes -
> they wont work with the new length of that field.
> Is this a bug in realurl ??? or is there a way to fix it without changing
> the length for field_alias manually. THANKS.

This is not a bug. Aliases in TYPO3 are limited to 30 characters. The same 
constraint is set to the "Alias" field in page records. You can't have more 
than 30 characters in the alias in TYPO3 currently. RealURL can do nothing to 
overcome this :(

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 Core team
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