
The new "automatic configuration of extensions" feature in RealUrl is  
very, very cool. Based on what's in the manual, it was very  
straightforward to get my desired configuration into the  
realurl_autoconf.php file. But I've still messed something up, because  
the resulting code doesn't have the desired affect.

What I'm doing is building a dynamic stylesheet, and I want RealUrl to  
transform a url such as index.php?id=29&type=111 into dynamic/ 
styles.css. The stylesheet is accessible at that url, but when it's  
accessed via the RealUrl url, I get a 404 page. The autoconfig- 
generated code (simplified) looks like this ('fileName' is a direct  
child of "$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']"):

'fileName' =>
     array (
       'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => 0,
       'acceptHTMLsuffix' => 1,
       'index' =>
       array (
         'styles.css' =>
         array (
           'keyValues' =>
           array (
             'type' => 111,

This is effectively identical to working code I've used (and the code  
in ->fileName section of the RealUrl manual) in manually-configured  
RealUrl installs (in this case, 'fileName' is a direct child of  

, 'fileName' => array (
                'index' => array(       
                        , 'styles.css' => array(
                                'keyValues' => array(
                                        'type' => 111,
                , 'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => 0

Can anybody spot any obvious mistakes here?

Christopher Torgalson

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