Hey Simon,

Jeff and the WEC team had the exact same thing last week on a server. We 
found out that it was related to an update of libxml2. After 2 days of 
debugging, Jeff found the reason. Anyway, there was a workaround of 
TYPO3 to /not/ use this strange behaviour by putting <[!CDATA[-- around 
the fields.

@Jeff: Looks like we need our "workaround" pretty soon and in time for 
4.2.2. Could we enable this "workaround" only when we know it's not 
working without the CDATA?

@Simon: Unless Jeff won't share the exact solution here (although I 
think he will ;-)) contact him about the issue directly, I'd say. And 
try to not save anything in the meantime.. :)

All the best,

Simon Browning wrote:
> I've got a site that has been working fine for ages, but for some reason 
> today all of the FCE's have dropped the < & > symbols, so the output on 
> the site is like below.
> h1link 8marketing driven designbr //link/h1
> I can see in the tx_templavoila_flex field of tt_content that it has the 
> symbols stored as the &lt;h1&gt;&lt;link, which I believe is correct, 
> but I'm not sure why they're not being replaced on the site.
> Even in the rte in the backend they're showing up improperly - in fact, 
> if I correct them in the rte & save, it swaps them back to the incorrect 
> version.
> Again, this just happened today all of a sudden, the site has been fine 
> for six months.  In case something went wonky with the TS Config on the 
> root page I copied replaced it with one from another site that is 
> working fine, yet no change.
> Any hints or boots in the right direction would be most appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Simon
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