
> I need to insert several similar plugins (tt_news with diff. pid_list) in
> one page and want to distinguish each other. I need something like 'title'
> but there are no such fields.What possibilities there are to mark up the
> plugins?

instead of something like

page.10 < plugin.tx_tt_news
page.20 < plugin.tx_tt_news

use a COA:

page.10 = COA
page.10.1 = TEXT
page.10.1.value = Title for P1
page.10.2 < plugin.tx_tt_news

page.20 = COA
page.20.1 = TEXT
page.20.1.value = Title for P2
page.20.2 < plugin.tx_tt_news

and so on.

Xavier Perseguers
TYPO3-english mailing list

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