
this is actually really easy to do, just write the appropriate TS for 
this kind of menu! If you're not sure how then perhaps read TSref and 
look at the TSOB for help or hints.

hope that helps


piet roorda wrote:
> dear group,
> I am looking for a way to make a sitemap in my menu.
> Example on: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/sitemap/index.asp
> or: http://www.Ikea.com.
> So I want to capture in a li or an ul of the last part of my menu,some
> specific pages or maybe even articles
> not necessarily following the page tree in my typo
> something like:
> <ul>
>        <li>whatever</li>
>        <li>something else</li>
>        <li>just another page
>                <ul>
>                        <li>with</li>
>                        <li>some sub</li>
>                        <li>pages</li>
>                </ul>
>                </li>
>        <li>and finally
>                <ul class="sitemap">
>                        <li>pages</li>
>                        <li>of my</li>
>                        <li>choice</li>
>                </ul>
>        </li>
> </ul>
> has anyone any idea what route to take to tackle this?? (besides the
> javascript/ajax hassle, it should be possible in sheer css)
> cheers,
> piet
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