O/H Vahan Amirbekyan έγραψε:
> Dear All,
> I found that changing value of $TYPO3_CONF_VARS["FE"][" lifetime"]  does not 
> take any affect.
> I am using core v4.1.1, sr_feuser_register v2.5.7 and newloginbox v.3.0.1
> I checked cookies and see that expiration date for fe_typo_session cookie 
> correspondes to my settings for lifetime but still after quite short time 
> ( probably about 1 hour ) logging is lost. Seems like the code that checks 
> client cookies is buggy. Isn't it part of the core?
> what can be the problem? 

I think that newloginbox is now part of TYPO3, as System Extension 
felogin. You could try it using Login form content element.

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