Hi Mark,

thanks for your answer.

Mark Kuiphuis wrote:
> Xavier Perseguers wrote:
>> Hi Rino,
>>> It looks to me that the generated XML don't takes into account 
>>> languages other than the main one (Italian, in my case)
>>> Here is an example of Generated XML:
>>>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>>> - <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9";>
>>> - <url>
>>> <loc>http://www1-vm.opapisa.it/it/lopera-primaziale/profilo-dellente.html</loc>
>>>  <lastmod>2008-09-17T16:00:33+02:00</lastmod>
>>>  <changefreq>yearly</changefreq>
>>>  </url>
>>> - <url>
>>> [...]
>> Question was asked by myself on 22nd March. Thread "dd_googlesitmap". 
>> Please refer to it for an explanation and a possible solution if the 
>> official solution is not an option.
>>> Moreover, it looks to me that the  XML  generated don't takes into 
>>> account all branchs of the pagetree  starting with a shortcut page.
>> IIRC Dmitry answered this too a few days ago. Please make a quick search.
>>> So, my questions are:
>>> a) does the extension manage creation of XML google map for 
>>> multilanguage and multiversion sites?
>> as said, refer to my topic on 22nd March.
>>> b) Is there a way to make the extension taking into account branchs of 
>>> the pagetree starting with a shortcut page?
>> An update to the extension was made or will be made if I'm not wrong 
>> with this case.
> The latest version of dd_googlesitemap (1.0.3) takes care of shortcut 
> pages. Just add tx_ddgooglesitemap.forceStartPid = 1
> (where 1 is the page id where you would like your sitemap to start, in 
> my case the root-page).
I've seen the new version.
I added  the tx_ddgooglesitemap.forceStartPid and so i solved the 
problem only for the shortcut in the root-page.
My problem is that I've other shortcuts in the page tree.
So the extension don't insert those pages and all the branch starting 
from the page in the sitemap.

To be clear, here is a portion of my pagetree:

root (shortcut to HomePage, pid=1)
- Homepage
- Activities (shortcut to first subpage)
- Auditorium
--- Page 1
--- Page 2
--- Page 3
- News (shortcut to first subpage)

In my TS Template I put
tx_ddgooglesitemap.forceStartPid =1

For such a page tree the sitemap produced contain only branchs starting 
with pages that are not shortcut, namely:

- Homepage
- Auditorium
--- Page 1
--- Page 2
--- Page 3

Do you have a explaination for this?

Rino Razzi

Archimede Informatica Societa' Cooperativa
Via Livia Gereschi 36 - 56127, Pisa - Italy
tel.: +39-050-580959 
fax: +39-050-9711344
e-mail: ra...@archicoop.it
web: www.archicoop.it 

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