Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of TYPO3 and RealURL first, 
and let us know if its still an issue.

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

Barbara B. Johansen wrote:
> Hi.
> RealUrl (ver. 1.4.0 with Typo3 ver.4.2.2 ) works fine with Internet
> Explorer 7 and Opera, giving urls like http://baseurl/pagename/
> In Firefox, Safari and Camino on the other hand we get urls like
> http://baseurl/pageid/ which results in a Type3 error reason: "pageid"
> could not be found...
> Clearing the cache helps for a while. Fore a while the urls are correct
> in all browsers. But after about 12-21 hours it goes wrong again.
> Does anybody has a clue what's going wrong?
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