Does anyone have experience with this plugin?
"Introduces a file-reference field for images in tt_content elements; no
copies to uploads/ any more."

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Peter Kuehn [wmdb] <>wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> You defined your Formfield as
>   <type>group</type>
>   <internal_type>file</internal_type>
>   <uploadfolder>uploads/tx_templavoila</uploadfolder>
> Documentation for the key uploadfolder [1] reads
> "Filefolder under PATH_site in which the files are stored.
> Example: 'uploads' or 'uploads/pictures'
> Notice: TYPO3 does NOT create a reference to the file in its original
> position! It makes a copy of the file into this folder and from that
> moment that file is not supposed to be manipulated from outside. Being
> in the upload folder means that files are understood as a part of the
> database content and should be managed by TYPO3 only."
> This is the oldschool-way TYPO3 handles filerelations, that ought to be
> replaced by the digital asset management (DAM). Unfortunately there are
> still existing bugs [3] inside the core so that you *cant* use DAM and
> TemplaVoila with FCE´s atm.
> DAM uses MM-relations to store the references and again the core api
> docs [1]:
> "MM relations has been tested to work with flexforms if not in a
> repeated element in a section."
> where "repeated element" means FCE.
> There will be a coding session during the devdays in may, where we will
> try to solve these issues. For the time being I dont see a solution for
> your probs.
> sry
> pekue
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Paul Bucalo schrieb:
> > I don't understand why any image I insert into my FCE gets appended with
> an
> > underscore and a number.
> > I'm looking around the API docs, TSref, the books, I can't find this
> > anywhere.
> > How do I turn this off?
> > I just want it to use the image I'm choosing from fileadmin, I don't want
> it
> > cached, I don't want it duplicated.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> > Any help, even pointing me in the right direction for figuring this out,
> is
> > greatly appreciated.
> > Paul Bucalo
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