Hi List,

I raised this question in TYPO3-dev list, the issue has not been resolved
yet and I guess this list is more right place for this kind of issues.
The original thread is below.... Any help is appreciated.


Sergii Khomenko wrote:
>Dmitry, thanks for the feedback on this. Here is how the page paths were
>1. Page is created;
>2. Info module -> Speaking Url Management -> edit pagepath
>3. Page is copied;
>4. The change is lost;

>Does it have to be changed by editing page properties? The reason I have to
use Info module for changing the page path is that it lets you
>edit the whole page path including page paths of the parent pages, not the
local one only like page edit does.

>Is there a workaround for this?


Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> Probably they are customized incorrectly if they are lost during export.
Hard to say without knowing how they were customized.

Sergii Khomenko wrote:
>Hi List,

>I am trying to make a copy of a website within one typo3 installation and
can't find the way to export realurl page paths along with the pages.
>If the original page paths generated by realurl have not been changed,
there is no problem, the same paths will be generated for a freshly
>copied page. However, if you customized the page paths for an original
page, they just get lost when you copy/export a page.

>Has anyone met/solved this issue before?
>Thanks for the help.

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