I am new to Typo3 and am very impressed with its capabilities.  I am 
experiencing a problem on a site we installed recently (Typo3 version 4.2.6.  
The site install came with a sample site "out of the box" which worked fine as 
installed.  Although I am new to Typo3, I am very experienced in server-based 
databases and the fundamentals of dynamic websites.

I recently have been reading about workspaces and workflow, and with the help 
of Marlie's tutorial 
(http://www.mcuniverse.com/Usergroups-Custom-WS.1820.0.html) I created several 
new usergroups, several new users and set permissions at the top level element 
of the site.  At some point, however, the live site disappeared and now 
displays the error "No pages are found on the rootlevel!"  I can, however, 
successfully generate a review website link that does work.

As the admin user, I can see three workspaces, LIVE, Draft, and 1:Editor 
Workspace.  I see the full tree of pages no matter which workspace is active.  
However, when looking at the configuration on each page in the tree (Extended 
tab), there is a "Workflow state" section that has a dropdown list showing 
[INVALID VALUE ("1")] as its only entry.  This looks suspicious ... 8^)) ...  
But I haven't a clue how to fix.  There are no pages listed to publish from 
either draft workspace.

I suspect where I strayed from the happy path is trying to configure workspaces 
on an existing site rather than starting from scratch.  Is there a way to fix 
this for the existing page tree?


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