Radoslav Kolarov wrote:
> Hi,
> J. Bakshi wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for your kind help but no luck for me.
>> Here is my modified ts
>> #########  real URL #####################
>> config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0
>> config.baseURL = http://www.domain1.com/
>> config.prefixLocalAnchors = all
>> config.defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev = 1
>> config.tx_realurl_enable = 1
>> ######################################### 
>> and still there is no .html appended. I have already clear the realurl
>> cache and records from mysql through phpadmin.
> Ok than...you can try to read this tutorial: 
> http://www.dawsoninteractive.com/articles/article/typo3-seo-part-2-page-urls/
> There you will see  $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl'] array that 
> have to put in localconf.php file.

Ok, thanks.

I fell I should put the config file to enable this feature which the
auto configuration is not able to do.

have a nice day.

> Radoslav
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