hey there,

sorry have it not ready in TypoScript but the pseudo code could be

if (
        count (
                select fe_group from tt_content where pid = {$currentPageUID}
{ show text that you must < a href="login"> login </ a> for member's
content }

i think you can achieve this with TS on board functions.

good luck.


Walrick wrote:
> Well the pages could be very mixed yes. Plus getting the text rendered
> is not the problem. I just assign a TEXT object to a subpart. I don't
> use a content element for the message. (That's what I do with the access
> restricted pages anyway).
> Perhaps I'm still not clear. I don't need access restricted content
> automatically displayed on a page. The content itself is added manually.
> What I want is that IF any content on a page is access-restricted a
> message appears stating that this is so. And this message itself should
> be members-only as well. But that could be done with a simple usergroup
> condition.
> The difficult part is the determination whether there are
> access-restricted elements on a page or nor.
> Michael Cannon wrote:
>> Walrick,
>> My TypoScript sample regarding using RECORDS is something you could use.
>> The RECORD element pulls the content elements that are setup with access
>> restrictions as needed on a singular page.
>> You could set this TypoScript sample at the top of the root line and
>> then for pages that shouldn't have the excess content, just put
>> lib.left.10 > in the TypoScript setup section of a template at the top
>> of that page section.
>> Of course if your pages are heavily intermixed versus cascading, then
>> this methodology doesn't work so well.
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