Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> Hi!
> Andrew Plank wrote:
>> I have a TV mapped image field, and a site that has a whole BUNCH of
>> pages. Instead of having to select an image for each page individually,
>> I thought setting the following in the TV DS would set the default
>> image, but it doesn't work. Any ideas how to set a default image?
>> <config type="array">
>>     <type>group</type>
>>     <internal_type>file</internal_type>
>>     <allowed>gif,png,jpg,jpeg</allowed>
>>     <max_size>1000</max_size>
>>     <uploadfolder>uploads/tx_templavoila</uploadfolder>
>>     <show_thumbs>1</show_thumbs>
>>     <size>1</size>
>>     <maxitems>1</maxitems>
>>     <minitems>0</minitems>
>>     <default>uploads/tx_templavoila/banner.JPG</default>
>> </config>
>> (I've also tried the filename only, without the path, and yes, the
>> actual file does have an uppercase extension.)
> Do you see 'default' in the list of configuration parameters? ;)

No, I noticed that too... But I was puzzled by this:

Which suggests that there is a <default> tag available somewhere in 
TCEforms... so I assumed maybe it was just not in the documentation. And 
with the description of that bug, I'm even more confused. Are default 
values possible with TCEforms or not? Or is there another way of getting 
a default value into an "image" field in TV?

Kind regards,

Andrew Plank
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